Molecular Dynamics

Photoexciting molecular systems with a femtosecond laser pulse and then following the spectral changes in the absorption or emission of the photoexcited states allows us to follow ultrafast electronic and structural changes as the molecule relaxes back to its ground state. In this way, important information on structural dynamics, long range interactions, charge transfer processes in molecules, macromolecules and clusters, can be obtained.

The EFSL is principally active in the field of:
    • Ultrafast processes in organic molecules in solution
    • Excited state decay in transition metal complexes




Selected Publications

A combined theoretical and experimental study of the ultrafast photophysics of Rhodamine B
Catone, Daniele; O'Keeffe, Patrick; Satta, Mauro; Paladini, Alessandra; Ciavardini, Alessandra; Ciavardini, Alessandra; Toschi, Francesco; Turchini, Stefano; Avaldi, Lorenzo
Molecular Physics 116, 2162 (2018)
A Fast Transient Absorption Study of Co(AcAc)3
Ferrari L, Satta M, Palma A, Di Mario L, Catone D, O'Keeffe P, Zema N, Prosperi T and Turchini S
Frontiers in Chemistry 7, 348 (2019)