Workshop PERSEUS - PERSpectivEs in Ultrafast Spectroscopy and materials processing in the IR-UV wavelength range

09 May 2024 by Events

On Monday 6th of May, in the beautiful setting of the Marconi room of the CNR, the Workshop PERSEUS - PERSpectivEs in Ultrafast Spectroscopy and materials processing in the IR-UV wavelength range took place, organized by EFSL as part of the activities of the NFFA-DI project.

The organizers wish to express their most sincere thanks to Giuseppe Ammirati, Paola Bolognesi, Paola Luches, Stefano Lupi, Andrea Marini, Gian Marco Pierantozzi and Daniele Trucchi for their precious contributions on the state of the art of ultrafast spectroscopies for the study of photovoltaic materials, quantum materials and wide-gap semiconductors and for the use of ultrafast laser radiation in the nanostructuring of materials.

A heartfelt thanks also goes to all the participants who took part in the workshop.

We look forward to seing you at the next NFFA-DI event!