The carrier dynamics of semiconductors depend in part on the morphology of the samples. The study of these materials using ultrafast transient absorbance spectroscopy and cryogenic photoluminescence provides important details on the ultrafast carrier dynamics and on effects that take place on the femtosecond/picosecond time scale such as band gap renormalization.

The EFSL is principally active in the field of:
    • Ultrafast carrier dynamics, semiconductor nanostructure
    • Energy transfer processes between semiconductor nanowires and plasmonic nanostructures
    • Photoluminescence dynamics in semiconductors.

The EFSL performs these studies thanks to the collaboration with the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM).




Selected Publications

Ultrafast carrier dynamics, band-gap renormalization, and optical properties of ZnSe nanowires
Tian, Lin; di Mario, Lorenzo; Zannier, Valentina; Catone, Daniele; Colonna, Stefano; O'Keeffe, Patrick; Turchini, Stefano; Zema, Nicola; Rubini, Silvia; Martelli, Faustino
Physical Review B, 94, 165442 (2016)
Carrier dynamics in silicon nanowires studied via femtosecond transient optical spectroscopy from 1.1 to 3.5 eV
Lin Tian, Lorenzo Di Mario, Aswathi K Sivan, Daniele Catone, Patrick O'Keeffe, Alessandra Paladini, Stefano Turchini and Faustino Martelli
Nanotechnology, 30, 214001 (2019)


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